Airtable Adalo

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In this tutorial, we will cover the basic to pro features of Adalo

  • 👉 La No-Code Academy: Le Slack No-code France: Adalo + Airtable:
  • If you have multiple images/attachments in one property on Airtable, these will have to be in separate column properties in order to transfer to Adalo. Select the components which you want to use to display your list of records and lay them out. Select all components using command (mac)/control (pc) + the shift or shift and your mouse to select.

What you'll need

Jun 07, 2020 Adalo continues to add new features and this week announced the beta version of Custom Actions. Customs Actions allow you to trigger an API request and thus generate an action (for example: a user clicks on a button and he receives an automated email). Adalo offers a list of examples of possible Custom Actions on its site. This new feature can. Adalo continues to add new features and this week announced the beta version of Custom Actions. Customs Actions allow you to trigger an API request and thus generate an action (for example: a user clicks on a button and he receives an automated email). Adalo offers a list of examples of possible Custom Actions on its site. This new feature can.

  • Adalo

Estimated time to complete

  • 30 minutes
Overview of Platform

First, a quick overview of the platform.

Collections & Relationships

By default, every app starts with a Users collection. The rule of thumb is to have a collection for each Noun in your database. You can create your database collections within Adalo or you can import this information with a CSV file. Once you have your collections created or imported, you can create Relationships between these collections.

Sequence fragments have been introduced by UML 2.0, which makes it quite easy for the creation and maintenance of an accurate sequence diagram. It is represented by a box called a combined fragment, encloses a part of interaction inside a sequence diagram. The type of fragment is shown by a fragment operator. UML Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried out. They capture the interaction between objects in the context of a collaboration. Sequence Diagrams are time focus and they show the order of the interaction visually by using the vertical axis of the diagram to represent time what messages are sent and when. Feb 12, 2018 Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a modeling language in the field of software engineering which aims to set standard ways to visualize the design of a system. UML guides the creation of multiple types of diagrams such as interaction, structure and behaviour diagrams. A sequence diagram is the most commonly used interaction diagram. List of uml diagrams. A UML sequence diagram shows how a set of objects interact in a process over time. It shows the messages that pass between participants and objects in the system, and the order in which they occur. Newer desktop versions Web 2007–2010. Sequence diagrams are a popular dynamic modeling solution in UML because they specifically focus on lifelines, or the processes and objects that live simultaneously, and the messages exchanged between them to perform a function before the lifeline ends.

To create a relationship, click into a collection, select a new property and choose relationship. Next, select which collection you want to create a relationship with. Then, you will be prompted to select the type of relationship between these two collections. You can have a one to many, a many to one, or a many-to-many relationship.


Another way to add data to your collections is with Forms. With Forms your users can create and edit records in a form's corresponding collection. For example, when a user signs up, they are creating a data record in your user collection.

Airtable Add Record

Link Actions

Whether you are creating a mobile app or a web app using Adalo, you will more than likely have multiple screens linking to different views and information. In Adalo, a screen has components such as buttons or lists. When you click a button or on a list item, you want an action to happen. In Adalo, this is called a 'Link action' - or - in other words an action that connects a component (such as a button, or list item) to another screen.

Connecting Data

To connect data to screens you need to use Link Actions.

Custom Lists, Toggles, Modals, and Visibility

Toggles are a way for information to be updated between collections or directly on a record. A common way you might use a toggle is to update a property as true or false. Another common use-case for the toggle button is as a favorite button. To do this you would Add a custom list to your screen, add a toggle button, set the action for the toggle, and then Change the Active Icon to be 'favorite' (a filled in heart) and the Inactive Icon to be 'favorite-border' (an outlined heart).

Track my ip. Best program for remote pc access. Modals are essentially pop-ups. When you create a Modal, Adalo will create a new screen where you can design your modal but in a live environment, it will function as a pop-up.

Advanced Features

Airtable Adalo App

With custom formulas you can do basic math functions like multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division as well as sort by Sum, Count, Average, Maximum and Minimum.

External collections allow you to use a third party tool like Airtable as a database.

Air Table Adalo

Zapier integrates with Adalo allowing you to create automatic workflows between your app and other platforms.

Airtable Admin Api

I hope you enjoy this tutorial preview, if you have any questions please reach out on Twitter @amiedelisa or @makerpad.

Airtable Addons

For access to this full tutorial please head over to

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